Friday, April 9, 2021
There were lots of notes this week - someone didn't think they'd collected that many and went looking for more...
We started with Drupal-related notes:
Drupal 7.79 released, now passes tests in PHP 8
- Drupal 9.1.6 released
- issue queue for making Drupal 7 compatible with PHP 8
- Drupal 7 now supports SameSite attribute on cookies
- Drupal 9 YAML configuration exports will now use multiline syntax
- Drupal Initiative April 2021 update
- What's new on Q1 2021 update
- now has live deployment previews for contrib modules
- celebrate 20 years of Drupal with DrupalFest and DrupalCon
- drupal-check and phpstan-drupal are Drupal 9 and PHP 8 ready
- how to make sure your project will keep working in a world where the drop is always moving
- we're in the golden age of contributing to Drupal
- major Drupal distributions in 2021
- webform maintainer Jake Rockowitz's "To Drupal or not to Drupal" on paid modules, paid contributors and profitable organizations
- webform maintainer Jake Rockowitz's "To Drupal or not to Drupal" on the webform module's sustainability problem
- Pathauto module overview
- getting the most out of a Drupal support partnership
- some strategies for developing update hooks
- more elegant content modelling through the Drupal UI
- why Drupal is the original composable architecture
- hussainweb's Drupal story
Next, we went into general web notes:
- get better at programming by learning how things work
- what's new in Microsoft Edge 89's DevTools
- March saw Firefox 87
- CKEditor 5 v27.0.0 released
- Safari Technology Preview's new color-contrast() functions for CSS
- Microsoft joining forces on better browser compatibility in 2021
- eliminating five top compatibility pain points on the web
- in Firefox, styling gives "bolder"; other browsers just "bold"
- VoiceOver support for macOS in Firefox 87
- end of support for Firefox on Amazon Fire TV and Echo Show
- hackers backdoor PHP source code after internal repo hack
- update on incident
- GitHub's token authentication requirements for Git operations
- imagining native skip links
- skipping skip links (opinion)
- why skip links are important for accessibility
- guide to CSS units part 1 - absolute units
- guide to CSS units part 2 - font relative units
- how to improve CSS performance
- container queries are actually coming
- container queries: a quick start guide
- highlighting columns in HTML tables
- cheat sheet for moving from jQuery to vanilla JavaScript
- 30 days of HTML
- a11yTOCamp is happening in May
- reinstating net neutrality in the US
- saying goodbye to AMP?
- Google testing its controverial new ad targeting tech
- welcome to the (Space) Jam
- SVG generators
- get started contributing to open source projects
And that was the end of the meeting, since there wouldn't have been time for a video.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings are moving to a "once every 3 weeks" schedule, and will return next on Friday, April 30th at 11:00am.