Friday, December 17, 2021
We started with Drupal-related notes:
Drupal 9.3.0 released
- Drupal 9.3.0 now available
- Drupal 8 is now end-of-life
- Drupal 10 minimum PHP requirement raised to PHP 8.0.0
- administer content types permission no longer allows content creation
- upgrading modules extending CKEditor 4 to support CKEditor 5
- PSA: Config Split and Drupal 9.3.0
- 4000+ Drupal contrib projects only need one line changed to be compatible with Drupal 10
- Drupal 10 deprecation status review
- contrib project maintainers can now specify their Drupal 10 porting plans
- myDropWizard is closing down
- managing the tradeoffs of multiple version compatibility in Drupal
- the big Symfony 4 to 6 jump plan in Drupal 10
- speed up your Drupal migrations with high water marks
- introduction to services, plugins and events in Drupal
- 5 years as a Drupal core subsystem maintainer
- Angie Byron talks history and the Drupal community
- adding and adding oEmbed providers in Drupal
- good Drupal leadership part 2, part 3, and part 4
Next, we went into general web notes:
- last Twig 1.x release
- Composer 2.2.0-RC1 released
- new WebKit features in Safari 15.2
- Safari release timeline
- PHP 8.1.0 released
- PHP 8.1.0 release announcement
- PHP documentation team seeking help documenting new PHP 8.1 features
- PHP benchmarks
- new tool to help create custom plugins in CKEditor 5
- WCAG 3.0: what you need to know about the future of accessibility standards
- CSS use in 2021
- CKEditor feature of the month - restricted editing modes
- latest Chrome Canary breaks existing container query demos
- resposive layouts with fewer media queries
- test your site with real users
- test your product on a crappy laptop
- workarounds required to use a screen reader with Google Docs
- higher ed content marketing should focus on students' needs
- Google Fonts Knowledge, educational content to choose and use type with purpose
- render styleable Markdown in your HTML
- "spicy sections" update and examples
- assorted Advent calendars for web designers and developers (speaking of which, check out our Advent calendar - a little behind, but we're working on it!)
- DojaCode, a codable music video experience
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch the "Visual Styling vs. Semantic Meaning", from HTMHell.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings generally happen once every 3 weeks. We take a break over the holidays, and the next one will be a week later than usual, on January 21st at 11:00am.