Friday, February 1, 2019
This week in Drupal-related notes:
getting ready for the Drupal Global Contribution Weekend (and helpful resources for contributing to Drupal)
- Acquia Grand Master: the Drupal certification that should be on your radar
- farewell from Amanda Gonser
- git:// permanently discontinued
- Recurring Dates Field hits beta and gets a roadmap
- women of the Drupal community: Adrianna Shukla
- Drupal security bug bounty program paying up to €15,000
- insights into the new design of the Drupal admin UI
- Webform for Drupal 8: DIY accessibility
- European Commission offering bug bounties for open source
- changes in the Jan 28 - Feb 8 sprint
- Acquia's 2018 retrospective
- contrib half hour updates for 2019
- only 5 simpletests left in Drupal core
This week in "everything else":
- Firefox DevTools for CSS authors
- CSS hyphenation in 2019
- sound-responsive variable fonts demo
- tracking users using CSS
- collaborative CodePen to build a web-based escape room
- the slow and steady refactor
- Firefox 65's new features, updates, and fixes
- what's new in Firefox 65 for web developers
- Firefox 65's new video compression technology
- Australian Government Design System
- Australian Government Design System accessibility breakdown for the main nav
- 10 year challenge, but for websites
- console violations in Chrome DevTools
- how CSS position: sticky really works
- 100 days of A11y
- webkit feature request: limit the amount of JavaScript a site can load
- HTML, CSS and our vanishing industry entry points
- the :target trick
- using aria-live
After the notes, finished watching part 2 of "The Best Web Features of 2018".
Finally, we watched "Variable Fonts and the Future of Web Design" from dotCSS 2018.
The next Web Dev Rev is on Friday, February 8th, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am. Hope to see you there!