Friday, February 19, 2021
This week was pretty light for Drupal notes:
how to constantly improve your Drupal website
- webchick is looking for input on why people turn off Update Status
- determining which module new security advisory functionality should go in
However, there were a decent number of general web notes:
- JetBrains "code with me" adds support for audio and video calls
- PhpStorm tips & tricks - changelists
- Chrome 88 now supports "hyphens:auto" (supported elsewhere since ~2011)
- front-of-the-front-end and back-of-the-front-end development
- the web didn't change, you did
- optimizing video for size and quality
- maximally optimizing image loading for the web in 2021
- understanding z-index in CSS
- the right CSS rule to apply to invalid form fields
- adding scroll margin
- SmolCSS
- progressive enhancement reading list 2021
- vaccine emoji comes to life
- SVG path visualizer
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch the first 33:50 of "Caching and performance deep dive 2.0 - A practical workshop" from DrupalCon Europe 2020. This is "part 1", and for the next few weeks we will be watching the subsequent parts. Slides for this talk are available, and there is an accompanying GitHub repo.
Web Dev Rev will return on Friday, February 26th at 11:00am.