Friday, February 25, 2022
We started with Drupal-related notes:
Drupal 9.3.5 released; also Drupal 9.3.6 and Drupal 7.88
- Drupal core security advisory: information disclosure
- Drupal core security advisory: improper input validation
- Drupal 7's end of life extended to November 1, 2023, with annual review
- a Drupal long-term support vendor on the Drupal 7 end of life extension
- Drupal 10 minimum PHP requirements raised to version 8.1
- Drupal 10 final PHP requirements will be announced at least 5 months before Drupal 10
- helping get on track for an August 2022 release of Drupal 10
- core updates prior to 9.3.0 removed from Drupal 10
- DrupalCon schedule released
- long(er)-term support for Drupal 10
- interview on enhancing Drupal's authoring experience
- making better UX choices: advice for Drupal developers
- defining bundle fields in code
- enhance your Drupal website's authoring experience by improving the field user interface
- enhance your Drupal website's authoring experience by fine tuning the admin pages
- Drupal mentoring: the best way to build community
- Evolving Web's top Drupal modules for 2022
- how Drupal 10's auto-filling CSS grid with max columns of a minimum size was accomplished
Next, we went into general web notes:
- what's new in Chrome 98's DevTools
- getting ready for version 100 in Chrome and Firefox
- PHP news roundup from January 2022
- Safari team asks for feedback amid accusations that Safari is the new IE
- how higher ed sites are holding up to new demands
- German court rules websites embedding Google Fonts violates GDPR
- CSS cascade layers
- New York Times hiring an accessibility visuals editor
- virtual machines in the browser
- interact with text in a photo on Macs
At the end of the meeting, having forgotten that we recommended it before, we recommended people watch the video "Enabling Change-Makers: Redesigning Princeton's School of Public and International Affairs Website", from Florida DrupalCamp 2021.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings generally happen once every 3 weeks. The next one will be on March 18th at 11:00 am.