Friday, February 8, 2019
This week in Drupal-related notes:
new Drupal releases: 7.64, 8.6.8, and 8.6.9
- contrib modules get "ecosystem" information, to make it easier to identify and discover modules
- considering adding a "content editor" role to Drupal 8's standard profile
- preparing to handle semantic versioning for contrib modules
- putting the Governance Task Force recommendations into action
- introducing community group sections in the community portal
- Webform 8.x-5.x stable release plan
- Open Collective for Webform module
- Lullabot donated to the Drupal Recording Initiative
- Drupal Recording Initiative PSA: limit session titles to 100 characters so they fit in YouTube's title field
- keeping your Drupal 8 work continually up to date, preparing for Drupal 9
- introducing Drupal test traits, to run tests without continually wiping the database
- in search of the lost Druplicon
- Agiledrop's training program
- overview on Menu Items Extras Overview module
This week in "everything else":
- new PHP 7 releases
- what's new in Chrome 72 (see video below)
- what's new in Chrome 73 DevTools
- Firefox 66 to block automatically playing audible video and audio
- what's new in Firefox 65 DevTools
- release notes for Safari Technology Preview 75
- limiting JavaScript?
- 230 new emojis for 2019
- making the world a better place for the colorblind
- who tracks me?
- share, even if you don't feel like an expert (link no longer available)
- "Brexit" will cause some .eu domains to be revoked
- UX for cookie consent
- a proven method for showing the value of good UX (link no longer available)
- Lando RC2 released
- using dotfiles for managing development and more
- browse the history of any GitHub file with style
- bandwidth or latency: when to optimise for which
- accessibility tools catch the low hanging fruit, but...
- table design patterns on the web
- much ado about no lists (link no longer available)
- Firefox DevTools font inspector tip
- putting the Flexbox Albatross to real use
- pure CSS "Gritty" that watches your cursor
- the CSS-Tricks license
- look deep into webpages with a face-tracking depth simulator
- guide to CSS support in browsers
- using the CSS element() function
- things you can do with the CSS element() function
- Google Analytics data can be linked to "Can I Use"
- a simple way to explain "srcset" for image tags
- solving a tricky layout problem with CSS grid
- a CSS grid wishlist
- 3 ways to build Crouwel's Hiroshima poster in CSS
- gradians and turns for CSS angles
- "pinball wizard" effect on form submission
- CSS-Tricks subscription form submission effect
has meaning- using media queries to serve CSS based on whether a user's browser supports "hover"
- a quiz on how well you know CSS layout
- "Can't Unsee", a game for spotting UI/UX issues
After the notes, we didn't have time to watch any further videos. Here's the video we watched during the notes:
The next Web Dev Rev is on Friday, February 22nd, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am. Hope to see you there!