Friday, February 9, 2018
We had quite a few Web Dev Rev notes this week:
Content Moderation is stable in Drupal 8.5
- keeping track of what hosting providers support PHP 7 for Drupal 8
- a sneak peek at speakers for DrupalCon Nashville
- some Drupal 8 Composer best practices
- how to use Webform's predefined options in Drupal 8
- thinking about lowering Drupal's "suck threshold"
- emphasizing the most important items on Drupal's "structure" page
- Media module won't be hidden in Drupal 8.5
- Media module is not where it was intended to be before "unhiding"
- there is a Drupal 8 module for providing a simple Webform-based system for applying to academic programs
- a look at the CSS Paint API
- using CSS clip path to create interactive effects
- reformatting your code base without destroying Git history
- PHP (and WordPress) functions that can make your site insecure
- what's new in Firefox 58
- 5 things to ask about developer jobs
- we missed celebrating Box-Sizing Awareness Day
- where to find colour fonts
- how to use variable fonts in the real world
- about CSS scroll snap
- why you can't test a screen reader
- how "aria-label is a xenophobe"
- building a good download button/link
- one person's accessibility journey
- on using media queries for responsive design in 2018
- counting with CSS counters and CSS grid
- questions to ask when interviewing about accessibility
- and finally, websites that are only available when you're offline
After this review, we had time to watch the first 20 minutes of "Webform: There is this for that" from DrupalCamp New Jersey.
The next Web Dev Rev will be Friday, February 16th, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.