Friday, January 11, 2019
Coming back from the break, there were a lot of Web Dev Rev notes this week and many were Drupal-related:
Drupal's long term growth obstacles
- a retrospective on Drupal contribution
- automate testing your Drupal 8 module's compatibility with Drupal 9
- the new layout builder's impact on Drupal's evolving learning curve
- tips for using Kint in Drupal Twig development
- soft launching your new Drupal theme
- a dozen years of Drupal
- announcing the launch of
- how came to be and what's next
- Kevin Thull (Drupal Recording Initiative) on
- Drupal Recording Initiative fundraising on Open Collective
- Drupal 8 Webform maintainer donates
- what 99 Drupal 6 long-term support releases mean for Drupal 7
- seeking volunteers for new core team facilitation roles
- planned outage for git:// as support is deprecated
- another planned git:// outage
- git services stabilized
- JSON API 2.0 released
- Drupal 8 link relations now use absolute URLs because Google doesn't support relative ones
- Dries on refreshing the Drupal administration UI
- looking for directional feedback for the next-gen admin UI
- new Workspaces module in Drupal 8.6 and content staging options
- 10 helpful Drupal 8 modules for 2019
- map of "Drupal City"
There were still a few notes about "everything else":
- the year you actually actually start to like your CMS
- what's coming in Chrome 72 beta
- deprecations and removals in Chrome 72
- Google isn't the company we should have handed the web over to
- deflated and disappointed about Microsoft Edge switching to Chromium
- browser engine diversity conversation convenient as remote code execution bug affects all Chromium-based browsers
- Mozilla on their past work with Facebook
- designing Firefox's Flexbox Inspector
- GitHub now gives free users unlimited private repositories
- GitHub announces its changes
- new PHP 7 releases
- on "writing cute" and assistive technologies
Finally, we watched part 1 of Chrome's "Best Web Features of 2018".
The next Web Dev Rev is on Friday, January 18th, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am. Hope to see you there!