Friday, July 23, 2021
We started with Drupal-related notes:
Drupal core security release
- drupal_get_path() and drupal_get_filename() deprecated
- introducing DrupalPod, which spins up an entire Drupal dev environment in a browser
- DrupalPod repo
- Pantheon raises $100M
Next, we went into general web notes:
- Chromium experiment to increase HTTPS adoption
- comparing CKEditor 5's track changes feature with Microsoft Word
- a history of regular expressions
- Microsoft's new emojis
- meta theme colour and trickery
- CKEditor 5 v29.0.0 released
- behind CKEditor 5's new "view source" functionality
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "Reimagining the WYSIWYG CKEditor 5 in Drupal Core", from DrupalCon North America 2021.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings haved moved to a "once every 3 weeks" schedule. The next one will be on Friday, August 13th. For this term, the meetings will be at 1:00pm.