Friday, June 1, 2018
This week's Web Dev Rev, guest-hosted by WCMS developer Lily Yan, started with notes from Drupal and beyond:
introducing the Microsoft Edge DevTools protocol
- where lines break is complicated
- idea: responsive tables using text-shadow and the Dabblet example
- idea: responsive tables with element() and the Dabblet example
- note: there is a blog post about the responsive tables ideas
- colour typography on the web
- two big milestones in API-first Drupal
- reworking the Webform project page
- creating landing pages for initiatives on
- Mark Conroy's approach to PatternLab
- Drupal 8: add cache metadata to render arrays
- "aria-hidden" vs "display: none"
- a Codepen challenge entry about using and for spoilers
-'s GDPR compliance statement
- Smashing Magazine shares some GDPR resources
- USA Today loads faster in GDPR countries
- a quick and dirty debug for Drupal 8
- gets videos
- Dries on the release date for Drupal 9
- the long road to Drupal 9
- Drupal North extends its submission deadline
- UTC is enough for everyone, right?
- why you should switch to Firefox
- "object-fit" vs "object-position"
- understanding Media management with Drupal core
- a cartoon intro to DNS over HTTPS
Next up, we watched "Drupal 8 Theming: A Crash Course" from BADCamp 2015.
There will be no Web Dev Rev session on June 8th. Our next scheduled host for our spring series of Web Dev Rev sessions run by the WCMS developers is Chris Shantz. We hope you'll join us on Friday, June 15th, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.