Friday, June 15, 2018
This week's Web Dev Rev, guest-hosted by WCMS developer Chris Shantz, started with some notes:
Codepen's monthly challenge: designing blogs
- Microsoft acquires GitHub
- Microsoft buys GitHub - thoughts from Dries
- Nat Friedman introduces himself as the new CEO of GitHub
- the Drupal Module Upgrader module, which helps convert Drupal 7 modules to Drupal 8
- changes to the way is using Git
- Drupal-geddon 2: 115,000 sites still vulnerable
- ...well, probably not
- Drupalcamp Montreal sessions started
- Lullabot talks continuous integration with TravisCI
- Looking at GitLab's own CI: getting started and implementing
- Adding classes to Twig templates in Drupal 8
- Composer Paranoia plugin which separates user-facing and non-user-facing code (link no longer available)
- enabling test modules in Drupal 8 (link no longer available)
We finished by watching Cracking the Shell Command Line for the Drupaler from DrupalCon Nashville. Unfortunately, the video is truncated, but the session page does contain the slides and a full audio recording.
Next Friday concludes our spring series of Web Dev Rev sessions run by the WCMS developers. Our host next week will be Liam Morland. We hope you'll join us on Friday, June 22nd, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.