Friday, June 5, 2020
This week's Web Dev Rev notes were only about Drupal:
Drupal 9 porting weekend report
- announcing the bug-smash community initiative
- Drupal releases:7.71, 8.8.7, 8.9.0, and 9.0.0
- Drupal 9.0.0 released
- new Drupal 9 landing page
- Drupal 9: an update, not a rebuild
- Drupal 9 has dropped - what to do now
- should you upgrade from Drupal 7 to Drupal 9?
- getting ready for Drupal 9
- introducing Drupal 9, the next evolution of a proven web platform
- the QED42 Drupal 9 upgrade story
- the new Drupal logo - just in time for Drupal 9
- sharing webforms anywhere
- answering burning questions about Drupal 9
- Drupal association's statement of support and taking action
Since we had no non-Drupal notes, we ended the meeting by recommending people watch the following video: "Your data model is terrible! Let me show you why." from MidCamp 2020.
Web Dev Rev will be back next week, on Friday, June 12th at 11:00am.