Friday, March 12, 2021
We started with Drupal notes:
Florida Drupal Camp highlights
- the Drupal community keeps connected
- getting phpstan-drupal PHP 8-ready starts now
- facets module maintainer wonders if this is their last release
- are the articles useful?
- to Drupal or not to Drupal: Drupal vs. other Digital Experience Platforms
- responsive image optimization with Media in Drupal 9
Next, we went into general web notes:
- release notes for Safari Technology Preview 122
- Git clone vulnerability announced
- new @font-face draft for supporting incremental font downloading
- Symfony 6 will require PHP 8
- good news about display:contents and Chrome
- content-visibility and accessible semantics
- on mistakes, and the tools needed to learn from your mistakes
- free web-based image optimizers that aren't old and spammy-looking
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch the final part (starting from 1:36:53) of "Caching and performance deep dive 2.0 - A practical workshop" from DrupalCon Europe 2020. Slides for this talk are available, and there is an accompanying GitHub repo.
Web Dev Rev will return on Friday, March 19th at 11:00am.