Friday, March 19, 2021
We started with Drupal-related notes:
incremental improvements to documentation pages
- with Drupal 9, the CMS is entering a new era of possibilities
- how to get excited about Drupal again
- why you should actively support the Drupal bug smash initiative
- drupal-check 1.1.8 released
- life as a Backdrop CMS committer
Next, we went into general web notes:
- what's new in Chrome 90 beta
- mix colours in CSS in Firefox Nightly
- display:contents in Chrome was actually fixed, just regressed
- official CSS nesting
- better line breaks for long URLs
- how sticky positioning works, what can break it, and dumb tricks
- HSL: a colour format for humans
- grid, content re-ordering, and accessibility
- generate accessible UI colours in Sass with a11y-color-tokens
- Github removes exploit code for Exchange vulnerabilities
- using iCalendar for semi-predictable but oddball events
- Eric Meyer's first month at Igalia and what's coming from him
- WCAG 2.2 changes and user impact
- people with disabilities say this AI tool is making the web worse
- accessibility overlay fact sheet
- get free web-related stickers
- PowerPoint games
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "Enabling Change-Makers: Redesigning Princeton's School of Public and International Affairs Website" from Florida Drupalcamp.
Web Dev Rev will return on Friday, March 26th at 11:00am, with a special session led by Liam Morland covering rebasing in Git/GitLab.