Friday, March 2, 2018
This week's Web Dev Rev started with some Drupal-related notes:
the cost of Drush
- comparing the novice's first impression of Drupal with other frameworks
- 3 ways to improve Drupal's evaluator experience
- what Symfony 4 means for Drupal 8
- applying lessons from the user guide to Drupal documentation
- the simplest path to a Drupal local environment
- improving Drupal's minor version upgrade experience
Then we had the "general" web development notes:
- robust fallback font stacks
- why PHP 7.2 is important
- deprecated features in PHP 7.2 (link no longer available)
- PhpStorm now supports partial Git commits
- planning to get started with pair programming
- owning the role of the front-end developer
- YouTube Live can now do automatic captions
- third-party CSS is not safe
- responsive image maps
After all these notes, we finished the session with the first two videos from the "Resilient CSS" series on the Layout Land YouTube channel.
The next Web Dev Rev will be Friday, March 9th, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.