Friday, March 5, 2021
There were a few Drupal notes this week:
DrupalFest 2021 announced for the month of April
- a change to the Drupal Community Working Group and a call for new members
- feedback wanted on the new Drupal core starterkit theme
- maybe it's not okay when individuals or organizations leave the Drupal community ("To Drupal or not to Drupal")
- setting an eye on Drupal 10 compatibility
- Florida DrupalCamp is funding Drupal 9 and PHP 8 support for phpstan-drupal
However, there were more general web notes:
- deprecating support for Composer 1.x
- jQuery 3.6.0 released
- what's new in Chrome 89
- what's new in DevTools for Chrome 90
- assuming https in Chrome Canary, Dev, or Beta
- ChromeVox does not read content with opacity: 0
- Twitter removing support for some types of widgets
- Google to stop selling ads based on your specific web browsing
- Google's FLoC is a terrible idea
- new mobile web DevTools: Inspect
- six tips to improve your code review skills
- diving into the ::before and ::after pseudo-elements
- ensuring the correct vertical position of large text
- an interactive guide to CSS transitions and hover animations
- the best font loading strategies and how to execute them
- getting all the variable axes from Google Fonts, not just the ones exposed in the UI
- Unicode range interchange
- 14 best free fonts for programming
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch from 1:18:33 to the end of "part 3" (at 1:36:53) of "Caching and performance deep dive 2.0 - A practical workshop" from DrupalCon Europe 2020. For the next few weeks we will be watching the subsequent parts. Slides for this talk are available, and there is an accompanying GitHub repo. Towards the end of part 3 the module "Renderviz" is mentioned, and here's an article explaining what Renderviz does.
Web Dev Rev will return on Friday, March 12th at 11:00am.