Friday, May 10, 2019
This week's Web Dev Rev started with quite a few Drupal-related notes:
Drupal 8.7.0 release: rigorous, unique
- what's new in Drupal 8.7.0
- a different what's new in Drupal 8.7.0
- Drupal 8.7.0 release notes, "translated"
- Drupal 7 and 8 security releases coming May 8
- Drupal core vulnerability in third-party library
- Notes from Dries on his State of Drupal presentation from DrupalCon Seattle
- Dries on the privilege of free time in open source
- photos from DrupalCon Seattle
- welcoming Heather Rocker as Drupal Association Executive Director
- better visibility into humans on
- For Drupal 9, thinking about replacing .info.yml with composer.json
- menu info can now be changed in non-default workspaces and content moderated nodes
- Acquia acquires Mautic
- estimate Drupal 9 compatibility with Upgrade Status
- what are your favourite "quality of life" Drupal modules?
- applying "nudge theory" to the Webform issue queue
- Webform module now supports printing PDF documents
- Drupal 8 books that can improve your developer skills
- should you upgrade to Drupal 8 or wait for Drupal 9?
- working with Drupal 7 in 2019: a developer's point of view (article no longer available)
- Drupal North donated to the Drupal Recording Initiative
- Drupal North keynote speaker announced
- Dries gets Drupal sneakers
Then we had a only a few "general" notes:
- how do you comment on JSON?
- / are not just...
- Googlebot now always runs the latest version of the Chromium rendering engine
- PhpStorm 2019.1.2 released
- what happened when Firefox disabled all your add-ons
- inside Microsoft's decision to work with Google on Edge
- audit of Gutenberg for WordPress finds "significant and pervasive accessibility problems"
We finished the session by watching two videos from the "Making Future Interfaces" series, "Algorithmic Layouts" and "Unusual Shapes".
We hope you'll join us for the next Web Dev Rev session on Friday, May 17th, in EC2 1112 at 11:00am.