Friday, May 11, 2018
This week's Web Dev Rev started with some Drupal-related notes: changes for the sprint from May 7 to 20
- the new Drupal 8 initiatives Twitter account (link no longer available)
- Drupal JavaScript Initiative - the road to a "modern administration UI"
- gender field for Drupal 8
- converting a non-Composer Drupal codebase to use Composer
- adding toolbar menus in Drupal 8
- quickstarting Drupal 8
Then we had the "general" web development notes:
- what's new in Microsoft Edge
- Firefox 60 for developers
- a grep cheat sheet
- a day without JavaScript
- priority guides - a content-first alternative to wireframes
- May's CodePen challenge
- overriding default button styles
- introducing Prepack for compiling faster JavaScript
- Slack(/Mattermost) integration as a debugging tool
Next up, we watched the videos 15 through 18 from the series of videos on Webform for Drupal 8. The final video in the series, "There is this for that", was viewed at Web Dev Rev in February.
With a small bit of time left, we also watched "Hot metal : Pasteup :: Floats : CSS Grid" from the Layout Land YouTube channel.
Next Friday starts our spring series of Web Dev Rev sessions run by the WCMS developers. Our host next week will be Eric Bremner. We hope you'll join us on Friday, May 18th, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.