Friday, May 15, 2020
This week's Web Dev Rev started with Drupal notes:
2020 Drupal local development survey results
- Drupal 9 launch toolkit survey
- accelerating Drupal 9 module and theme readiness with automated patches
- free hands-on theming course from May 18 - 22
- Drupal community raises $500,000
- Drupal community care packages
- massive new Upgrade Status release
- Upgrade Rector also updated
- choosing Layout Builder vs. Paragraphs
- women of the Drupal community: webchick
- 5 benefits to Layout Builder from an editor's perspective
- how to add responsive tables to content in Drupal 8
- maps in Drupal - a complete guide
- test driven Drupal on Gitstore and Leanpub
- how to futureproof your next project with Drupal Rector
- why the world needs an open DXP
- Drush winning over Drupal Console?
- DrupalSouth news
Then it was time for the non-Drupal notes:
- naming content types using an ubiquitous language
- ICANN board withholds consent for sale of control of .org
- Fluxible online conference announced
- full third-party cookie blocking in Safari
- Firefox 75 for developers
- proper VoiceOver support coming to Firefox on MacOS
- survey: JS breakpoints in Chrome DevTools
- no-comma colour functions in CSS
- how to make life easier when using Git
- new media queries you need to know
- JavaScript regex with global modifier is stateful
- Microsoft Edge is becoming the browser you didn't know you needed
- alert banner best practices
- 8 common questions about accessible UX
- LCH colours in CSS
- when do headings fail WCAG?
- keep your wireframes free of distractions with the "redacted" font
- dark mode and variable fonts
- there's an input attribute for a one-time code
- a journey with styling lists
- the CSS "content" property accepts alternative text
- new browser compatibility panel coming to Firefox DevTools
- CSS "lh" and "rlh" units
- does masonry belong in the CSS grid specification?
- modern CSS solutions
- CSS section separator generator
- 700+ CSS/SVG icons
- building an accessible bingo web app
- horrifying PDF experiments
We ended the meeting by recommending people watch the following video on CSS's min(), max(), and clamp().
Web Dev Rev will be back next week, on Friday, May 22nd at 11:00am.