Friday, May 17, 2019
This week's Web Dev Rev started with quite a few Drupal-related notes:
a look at Drupal's Media Library interface
- when to upgrade from Drupal 7 (link no longer available)
- a series of articles on Drupal 8 configuration
- a proper introduction to Drupal Check
- interview with Ruben Teijeiro, "Drupal Hero"
- recognizing insecure Drupal Code
- a series of articles on Drupal Entities
- proof of concept of using voice to administer a Drupal website
Then we had a only a few "general" notes:
- a Swiss Army knife for http/https troubleshooting and profiling
- who has the fasted website in F1?
- breaking CSS custom properties out of :root might be a good idea
- a series of articles on responsible JavaScript
- 8 useful CSS tricks: parallax images, sticky footers and more
- native lazy-loading for the web
- creating a full bleed CSS utility (link no longer available)
- the two values of the display property
- teaching machines to triage Firefox bugs
- what Edge going with Chromium means for front-end developers
- link click analytics and privacy
- rules for autocomplete
- CKEditor 5 v12.1.0 released
- Firefox Nightly will soon tell you that certain CSS isn't doing anything, and why
- what should happen when a user right-clicks your logo in the upper left?
- progressive font enrichment
- technical details on the Firefox add-on outage
- introducing GitHub package registry
- Google Fonts is adding font-display
- Google Fonts support for font-display has shipped
- release notes for Safari Technology Preview 82
- CSS golfing
- inline style editing using contenteditable
We finished the session by watching "Beyond the Screen Reader - Humanizing Accessibility" from DrupalCon Seattle 2019.
We hope you'll join us for the next Web Dev Rev session on Friday, May 24th, in EC2 1021 at 11:00am.