Friday, May 20, 2022
We started with Drupal-related notes:
Drupal 10 will be released December 14, 2022
- a plan for Drupal 11
- Dries blog post on his state of Drupal presentation from DrupalCon 2022
- Drupal is for ambitious site builders
- Angie Byron wins the Aaron Winborn award
- more on Angie winning the award
- Angie on winning the award
- DrupalEasy takes on DrupalCon 2022
- 5 best sessions at DrupalCon 2022
- DrupalCon 2022 recap
- DrupalCon 2022 in every detail
- saying yes to a first DrupalCon
- attending a first DrupalCon
- Evolving Web's favourite sessions at DrupalCon 2022
- DrupalCon 2022 recap and highlights
- Drupal adds "manage permissions" tab after "manage display"
- Drupal adds new "view update notifications" permission
- immense amount of work going into CKEditor 5 in Drupal 9/10
- Drupal-check 1.4.0 enforcing PHPStan level 2
- improving the Drupal developer experience to empower the ambitious site builder
- 7 Drupal development tools to try
- how Drupal's frontend and backend look changed after 11 years at DrupalCon 2022
- what you need to know to get ready for Drupal 10
- breadcrumbs and how to generate them in Drupal
- a repo of resources to learn Drupal from basic to advanced level
- a modern alternatives to hooks
- common Composer add-in doesn't work with the stock patch app in macOS
- Earl Miles ("merlinofchaos") prefers Drupal 7
- Earl Miles on what Drupal did
- introducing the Blueprints module for ambitious site builders
Next, we went into general web notes:
- new to the web platform in April
- Firefox 100 features, updates and fixes
- what's new in Firefox 100
- new WebKit features in Safari 15.5
- goodbye Internet Explorer
- Chrome's intent to ship container queries
- Chrome's intent to prototype CSS anchor positioning
- Firefox translations
- what's new in PHP 8.2
- why WCAG 2.2 is still in the oven
- how many websites there are in the world
- use inclusive language in code and technical writing
- the original reason behind CSS-Tricks
- making collapsed ocntent accessible with hidden=until-found
- flexibly centering an element with side-aligned content
- browser support strategy
- understanding the success criterion for accessible use of colour
- @supports selector
- contextual spacing for intrinsic web design
- make table cells spanning across columns more accessible
- PHPStorm's inline regex testing
- Radio-Canada's brand typeface now available on Google Fonts
- corporate ipsum
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch the short overview video from the article introducing the blueprints module.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings generally happen once every 3 weeks. The next one will be on June 10th at 11:00 am.