Friday, May 21, 2021
We started with Drupal-related notes:
Drupal releases 8.9.15, 9.0.13, and 9.1.8
- Drupal 10 (June 2022) requirements in discussion
- call for interest: authentication & SSO for
- call for interest: project messaging in core
- join the first Drupal Project Browser Initiative meeting
- new Discover Drupal initiative seeking contributions
- certain highly critical security advisories and public service announcements will displayed in Drupal from 9.2.0 onwards
- Drupal 9.2.0 to block Google's FLoC by default
- node revision routes will return a node object from Drupal 9.3.0
- BADCamp 2021 cancelled
- DrupaCon Europe 2021 will be online, October 4 - 7
- giving hard recognition for notable contributions
- rethinking and adjusting tiers for Webform's Open Collective
- thanking backers of Webform's Open Collective
- Samuel Mortenson taking his work private
- thanking Samuel for his contributions
- upgrade tools to get you moving to Drupal 9
- a plan for upgrading from Drupal 8 to Drupal 9
- core Drupal 9 modules to improve editorial efficiency
- best contributed Drupal 9 modules to improve editorial efficiency
Next, we went into general web notes:
- Firefox's new site isolation security architecture
- the future of Internet Explorer on Windows 10 is in Microsoft Edge
- Chrome experiments with RSS
- behind the scenes of Chrome's spelling and grammar features
- introducing Mozilla Rally
- CKEditor 4.16.1 released
- Google Fonts has passed 50 trillion fonts served
- CSS Zen Garden turns 18
- Introducing Google's new CSS course
- learn CSS
- 16px or larger text prevents iOS form zoom
- :focus-visible and backwards compatibility
- CSS support (not) unknown
- is vendor prefixing dead?
- tips for optimizing content for Reader modes
- making disabled buttons more inclusive
- "blind people don't visit my website"
- simple things are complicated: making a show password option
- "I could build this during the weekend"
- a guide to undoing mistakes with Git
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "The new responsive: Web design in a component-driven world", from Google I/O 2021.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings have moved to a "once every 3 weeks" schedule. The next one will be on Friday, June 11th. For this term, the meetings will be at 1:00pm.