Friday, May 31, 2019
This week's Web Dev Rev started with quite a few Drupal-related notes:
Drupal North's schedule is up
- Layout Builder layout creation tour
- caching for faster Drupal
- latest Acquia Lightning delivers powerful new capabilities
- sponsoring a Webform feature
- Drupal projects can now specify Drupal 9 porting information
- API-first Drupal: what's new in 8.7
- Chrome extension for rendering of links to Drupal issue queues
- analysis of top uses of deprecated code
- isn't there a module for that already?
- some favourite (newer) DDEV things
- about the Smart Date module
- why Drupal matters
- patch-less composer workflow for Drupal using forks
- the International Splash Awards is here to stay
- interview with Tim Lehnen
- solution room successes at DrupalCon Seattle's higher-education summit (link no longer available)
Then we had a quite a few "general" notes:
- W3C and WHATWG work together to advance the open web platform
- browser vendors win war with W3C
- announcing GitHub Sponsors
- first Microsoft Edge preview builds for MacOS
- CSS subgrid lands in Firefox Nightly
- Firefox 67 for developers
- what's new in Firefox 67
- faster, smarter JavaScript debugging in Firefox DevTools
- latest Firefox release is faster than ever
- Firefox moves to a profile per install architecture
- "These Weeks in Firefox" issue 59
- Chrome's new layout engine, LayoutNG
- Google moves to mobile-first indexing by default
- meet the flexbox inspector
- everything you ever wanted to know about inputmode
- what does it mean to be "full stack"?
- great websites are created before the first line of code is written
- how git stash can help you juggle multiple branches
- reducing motion with the picture element
- interviewing one of the release managers of PHP 7.4
- getting involved with the web platform
- building the most inaccessible site possible with a perfect Lighthouse
We finished the session by watching the remainder of last week's "DevOps for Drupal and Other Web Applications" from Drupaldelphia.
We hope you'll join us for the next Web Dev Rev session on Friday, June 7th, in EC2 1112 at 11:00am.