Friday, November 15, 2019
This week's Web Dev Rev, guest hosted by WCMS developer Liam Morland, started with some discussion about recent security advisories for Drupal contrib modules, then moved on to Drupal notes:
Drupal 8.7.10 released
- Drupal 8.8.0-beta1 released...
- ...from an airplane
- what's new on for October 2019
- new provisional Drupal 7 branch maintainer
- Liam's core patch gets added by new Drupal 7 maintainer
- meet the founder of Drupal in Ottawa on November 21, 2019
- Drupal and code completion in PHPStorm
Then, there were a handful of "general" notes:
- you might not need JavaScript
- history of Mosaic on the anniversary week of the 1.0 release
- Firefox at 15
We made our way out of the notes by watching a video on what's new in Chrome 78's DevTools:
Next up, we watched the video on Webform custom options elements from the creator's post:
Liam finished the session with two more videos on Webform - "Attaching Webforms to Nodes" followed by "Webform Entity Print (PDF)".
The next Web Dev Rev session is scheduled to be guest hosted by WCMS developer Eric Bremner, and will be on Friday, November 22nd, in EC2 1021 at 11:00am.