Friday, November 2, 2018
After some technical difficulties getting started, this week's Web Dev Rev notes began with some Drupal notes:
Drupal 7.61 is coming
- making Drupal 8 Twig 2 compatible (link no longer available)
- state of JSON API
- the cost of custom
- tutorials updated for Drupal 8.6 and Drush 9
- improving Drupal's configuration management system
- adding a Composer scaffolding plugin to core
- advanced cache handling in Drupal 8 (link no longer available)
We then moved on to the notes about "everything else":
- Smashing on CSS attribute selectors
- Dangit, Git! (a "SFW" version of a site mentioned previously)
- debating a proposal to create CSS allowing animations to trigger with scrolling
- Times Newer Roman
- regular irregular grid (requires Chrome)
- start performance budgeting
- video delivery best practices part 2
- Safari tech preview support for dark mode
- "sign up" vs "signup"
- concise media queries with CSS grid (link no longer available)
- border-radius can do that? (link no longer available)
- introducing reCAPTCHA 3
- WordPress's Gutenberg accessibility
- "you're using wrong"
- console love
- CSP extension for Firefox
- changes to Flickr free accounts
- world's largest websites not redirecting to HTTPS
- CKEditor tracking changes early preview
- stop using infinite scroll
- crafting 404 pages 101
- CSS working group: what's new
- implementing a variable font with fallback web fonts
Unfortunately, our time ran out there and we were unable to finish last week's video.
We hope you'll join us for the next Web Dev Rev on Friday, November 9, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.