Friday, November 30, 2018
This week's Web Dev Rev notes began with some Drupal notes:
Drupal plans to push the page-building frontier
- pizza detection in Drupal
- Drupal event organizers meeting recap
- new hook_entity_preload
- submitting a release note snippet with Drupal patches
- Drupal tools and trends survey
- sponsor an event, a print, a speaker, and the red button
- sponsoring a DrupalCamp is not about the return on investment (ROI)
- 5 reasons to sponsor and attend open source camps and conventions
We then moved on to the notes about "everything else":
- curated list of falsehoods programmers believe in
- highlights from Chrome Dev Summit 2018
- Sarafi's media controls blocked by content security policy (link no longer available)
- Firefox 65 will block tracking cookies by default
- responsive images on the Apple Watch
- it's not about the device
- notes about HTTP/3
- the button centering dilemma
- FUIF file format for responsive images
- unicode and SQL security
- preventing content reflow from lazy-loaded images
- Typetura
Next, we watched "Read color hex codes" from dotCSS 2018.
We finished by watching two Layout Land videos.
We hope you'll join us for the next Web Dev Rev on Friday, December 7th, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.