Friday, November 5, 2021
We started with Drupal-related notes:
Drupal releases 9.2.9 and 9.3.0-alpha1
- notes on the Drupal 9.3.0-alpha1 release
- Drupal 9.3 will be compatible with the upcoming PHP 8.1
- who sponsors Drupal development: 2020-2021 edition
- notes on Dries's October 2021 state of Drupal presentation
- thoughts from Jeff Eaton on the state of Drupal presentation
- Donna Bungard becomes full member of the Community Working Group's Conflict Resolution Team
- winner announced for Drupal Association at-large board election
- using Drupal's lenient Composer endpoint
- Drupal Business Survey 2021 results
- config mappings will be sorted the way they are defined in their schema
- 8 days to go: adopt a module
- 7 days to go: start using Composer
- 6 days to go: use incompatible extensions
- 5 days to go: automated code fixes
- 4 days to go: use Drupal 9 on older database versions
- 3 days to go: you may already be using an EOL version of Drupal 8
- 2 days to go: looking ahead to future versions
- 1 day to go: what if you stay on Drupal 8?
- Drupal 8 end-of-life countdown compendium
- notes on the first year back to an in-person DrupalCon
- asking the "five whys" about open source sustainability
Next, we went into general web notes:
- new WebKit features in Safari 15
- what's new in Chrome 96's DevTools
- images in CKEditor 5
- Composer 2.0 was released 1 year ago
- an absurdly small jQuery alternative for modern browsers
- less absolute positioning with modern CSS
- an interview on "the new CSS reset"
- respecting users' motion preferences
- a deep dive into object-fit and background-size in CSS
- weird browsers
- what a web developer might say in an interview when asked "do you have any questions?"
- sneaky trick that could allow attackers to hide invisible vulnerabilities in code
- merge conflicts: what they are and how to deal with them
- rebase vs. merge: integrating changes in Git
- Photoshop's journey to the web
- a site for a friendly introduction to accessibility
- decentralized organizations and their challenges
- find the best coding font for you
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch the "Driesnote", from DrupalCon Europe 2021.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings happen once every 3 weeks. The next one will be on a special date - Wednesday, November 24th - at 11:00am.