Friday, October 12, 2018
This week's Web Dev Rev notes start, as is so often the case, with notes about Drupal:
DrupalCamp Ottawa schedule
- what's new on for September
- Governance Task Force community update for October
- rewriting Views output
- keeping your Drupal 8 modules compatible with Drupal 9
- common Drupal beginner's mistakes
Then they move on to the rest of the notes:
- git blame-someone-else
- Volkswagen CI test passer
- Comcast network simulator
- Unbuttoning buttons
- Google's new .page TLD
- the ultimate guide to the proper use of animation in UX
- motion design doesn't have to be hard
The session finished with "Dynamic CSS: Layouts & Beyond" from Full Stack Fest.
We hope you'll join us for the next Web Dev Rev on Friday, October 19, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.