Friday, October 15, 2021
We started with Drupal-related notes:
what's new on for Q2/Q3 2021
- theme_menu_link() has been removed
- Acquia's Drupal certifications are being renamed
- Drupal Views: the most powerful tool for displaying content on your website
- which Drupal security modules to choose
- easy planning of publication with the Drupal Scheduler module
- announcing the Calendar Links Token module
- about Drupal 8 end of life in simple, non-technical language
- a deep dive into the Webform module for Drupal 8/9
- the end of Jake Rockowitz's "to Drupal or not to Drupal" story
Next, we went into general web notes:
- lots to see in Firefox 93
- one-offs and low expectations with Safari
- RenderingNG deep dive: LayoutNG
- updates to captions and audio features on YouTube
- Sass is now 15 years old
- a tangled web of ARIA
- stop using HSL for colour systems
- line length revisited: following the research
- how to win at CORS
- WebAIM has a separate colour contrast tool for links
- spec for the experimental CSS @layer rule
- container units should be pretty handy
- understanding min-content, max-content, and fit-content in CSS
- understanding logical focus order
- proposal for CSS @when
- a stylesheet to show website performance hints
- conditional border radius in CSS
- CSS is going gosh-darned hog wild, I tell ya what
- Adobe Max 2021
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "WCAG 2.2: What's new and what to do with it", from Inclusive Design 24 2021.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings happen once every 3 weeks. The next one will be on Friday, November 5th at 11:00am.