Friday, October 26, 2018
This week's Web Dev Rev notes start with notes about Drupal:
Nasa's workflow uses Drupal (link no longer available)
- world-changing websites running Drupal
- Acquia's new European headquarters
- Drupal Europe's event report
- a way to quickly update Drupal core
- Drupal 8 profiles now support hook_requirements()
- refreshed Drupal community page
Then they move on to the rest of the notes:
- behind Dries' website redesign
- Firefox 63 release notes
- Firefox 63 notes for developers
- Mozilla's path to enhanced tracking protection
- use your browser's debugger instead of console.log()
Then we moved on to watch "10 Easy Ways to Irritate Your Design Team" from CSS Day 2018. We got to the 37:44 mark, and we'll pick up the rest at a future Web Dev Rev session.
We hope you'll join us for the next Web Dev Rev on Friday, November 2, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.