Friday, October 30, 2020
This week's Web Dev Rev notes started with Drupal:
Drupal Association board election 2020 winner announced
- new board member Pedro Cambra talks about his election
- Pedro Cambra on the Drupal Association onboarding process
- Drupal business survey 2020
- remembering Rachel Olivero (who the new Drupal theme is named after)
- Olivero receives low vision accessibility testing results
- Olivero receives screen reader accessibility testing results
- external CSS files now support attributes
- Drupal 10 readiness initiative looking for help with Symfony 6 compatibility
- Drupal 10 readiness initiative looking for help getting CKEditor 5 working
- the new faces of Drupal: theming with Sascha Eggenberger
- what to expect from Drupal 9.1
Finally, we had the more general web notes:
- an accessibility checklist for your website (part 2)
- Composer 2.0 is now available
- LibSass is deprecated
- Caniuse has partnered with BrowserStack
- axe accessibility testing tool released for Microsoft Edge
- Dallas Cowboys Pro Shops being sued over accessibility issues with their website
- dialog focus in screen readers
- how Smashing Magazine runs online workshops
- tables and floats in modern day development
- who's "allowed" to review code?
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "Battle for Online Privacy" from Drupal GovCon 2020.
Web Dev Rev will be back next week, on Friday, November 6th at 11:00am.