Friday, September 11, 2020
This week's Web Dev Rev notes started with Drupal:
DrupalCon Global 2020 videos are now public
- Drupal Association board statement on requiring membership for the at-large election
- meet the Drupal Association at-large board candidates
- comments and reaction to election changes from Donna Benjamin; Sally Young; Mike Herchel; Mike Herchel (again); Sally Young (again); and Jeff Eaton
- proposal to modernise the Drupal update framework
- Drupal core merge requests now support testing environments via Tugboat QA
- just under 6 weeks until Drupal 9.1.0-alpha1
- new section of to track camps and meet-ups
- 86.4% of the top 1000 Drupal contrib projects are now explicitly Drupal 9 compatible
- development aids in Drupal with Coffee and Admin Toolbar
- introduction to the Drupal Spec Tool
- preparing your Drupal 7 site for an eventual migration
- do you need a functional test for that?
- rescuing abandoned modules
- 10 years together - Wunder and Drupal
- Pantheon's highlights from DrupalCon Global 2020
- the sunset of the API-first initiative
Next we had the more general web notes:
- what's new in Microsoft Edge 85's DevTools
- CKEditor 4.15 released
- battle tested plugins for PhpStorm
- the value of browser diversity
- is there a Google-free future for Firefox?
- Mozilla's promoted add-ons pilot
- 5 most annoying website features faced by a blind person every day
- URL query parameters and how laxness creates de facto requirements on the web
- the best employees are easily 10x better than average
- comparing the AVIF image format
- the no-mouse challenge
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "Advanced Automated Visual Testing" from DrupalCon Global 2020.
Web Dev Rev will be back next week, on Friday, September 18th at 11:00am.