Friday, September 18, 2020
This week's Web Dev Rev notes started with Drupal:
new Drupal security releases: Drupal 7.73; 8.9.6; and 9.0.6;
- a Drupal Association board member reflects on the changes to voter eligibility
- Tearyne Glover responds to the above post
- Drupal vs WordPress: the team approach to CMS selection
- 6 new videos demoing Layout Builder on Drupalize.Me
- a review of multiple site architecture options in Drupal
- running Drush for Drupal 7 and Drupal 9 at the same time
- finding order for Olivero
- Drupal Association and Acquia open source sustainability survey
Next we had the more general web notes:
- surprising stats and useful facts about university websites
- variable font with "wonk" axis: Fraunces
- introducing source order viewer in Microsoft Edge DevTools
- what you need to know four months away from the AODA 2021 deadline
- GitHub CLI 1.0 now available
- possible error for Mac users in Microsoft Edge
- how Apple's macOS Big Sur could change Chrome's "ownership" of the web
- optimizing CSS for faster page loads
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "Layout Builder components can break your site. Here's how." from DrupalCon Global 2020.
Web Dev Rev will be back next week, on Friday, September 25th at 11:00am.