Friday, September 20, 2019
This week's Web Dev Rev started with Drupal notes: and the digital climate strike
- Drupal 8.8.x now allows modules to be excluded from configuration synchronization
- proposal to add the Claro administration theme to Drupal 8 core
- a bump in the Webform module's road to Drupal 9
- Acquia Developer Studio beta
- why Acquia partners should contribute to Drupal development
- interview with Suzanne Dergacheva
- contribution and client projects (part 1)
- contribution and client projects (part 2)
- celebrating Drupal's incredible social impact
- why you should like Drupal 8
- JSON:API Explorer for Drupal
- beautiful Drupal experiences in the travel industry
- writing view mode templates in PatternLab
- balancing makers and takers to scale and sustain open source
Then, there were some "general" notes:
- Firefox moving to 4-week release cycle
- Caniuse and MDN compatibility data collaboration
- introducing
- height and width for images has meaning again
- Firefox's debugger now shows inline previews for JavaScript values
- Chrome's new layout engine
- proof of concept for making SASS faster
- ARIA reference skill for Alexa
- so you're being sued for accessibility non-compliance
- what to do when user research doesn't fit in a sprint
- Mozilla and Creative Commons want to reimagine the internet without ads
- site monetization with Coil
- the internet relies on people working for free
- Hoefler&Co. to be featured on Netflix series
- Microsoft's free, open source coding font, Cascadia Code
- spreadsheets in CKEditor
- MathType in CKEditor
- web development merit badges
Following the notes, we finished the video we started watching 2 weeks ago, "Outgrowing Content Types: Building Custom Entities" from Drupal GovCon 2019.
We finished the session by watching "How I Made the Internet Garbage" from AIGA Design Conference 2019.
The next Web Dev Rev session will be on Friday, September 27th, in EC2 1021 at 11:00am.