Friday, September 25, 2020
This week's Web Dev Rev notes started with Drupal:
thoughts and reflections on Drupal Association governance
- what's new on for August 2020
- a look at Smart Date 3.0
- last Drupal incompatibility with Symfony 5 fixed
- 77% of the top 1000 Drupal 8 projects are now Drupal 9 compatible
- workaround for modules where the only incompatibility is the .info file
- now has enhanced support for Composer 2
- using Tugboat with Olivero for visual regression testing
- options for where Webforms lives in the admin toolbar
- updating to Drupal 9 in 15 minutes
- how to create composable content in Drupal
- 5 common Drupal accessibility mistakes
- the next Drupal migration is easier
- getting started with Drush
- deciding what to do about MidCamp 2021
- Digital Echidna merging with new owner
- case study: University of West London's Drupal 7 to 8 migration
Next we had the more general web notes:
- web browsers on iOS
- client side vs server side analytics
- new MDN browser compatibility report released
- Firefox DevTools working on option to show tabbing order in the accessibility panel
- CSS property to use the thickness of the font to determine the thickness of underlines
- a favourite accessibility testing tool: the tab key
- designing with reduced motion for motion sensitivities
- scopes in PhpStorm
- an accessible, all inclusive online comic experiment
- a variable font showing the effects of the lockdown on a bearded face
- make your URLs suspicious and frightening
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "Writing even more CSS with accessibility in mind" from CSS Café.
Web Dev Rev will be back next week, on Friday, October 2nd at 11:00am.