Friday, September 28, 2018
This week, we went all over the place with Web Dev Rev notes, but this post tries to put them in a more logical order. First, here's the notes about Drupal:
a deep dive into a Drupal bug
- resources for component-based theming in Drupal 8
- coding with cache tags in Drupal 8
- Drupal 7, 8 and 9: deprecate the old to intake the new
- Webform maintainer learns JavaScript deeply
- "I was an open source developer banned for Code of Conduct violations" and its preceding article "Women of Drupal: I've failed you and I am sorry"
- Drupal Europe experiences from volunteer Miro Michalicka, first-time mentor Johanna Anthes, newly-elected Drupal Association board member Suzanne Dergacheva, and non-developer Ana.
- Drupal 8's Umami demo now 100/100 on accessibility test (link no longer available)
- Drupal release dates now line up better with Symfony release dates (link no longer available)
- using the new media library in Drupal 8.6
- ensuring Drupal 8 block cache tags bubble up the page
- creating Paragraph entities for dynamic content
- the state of Drupal in 2019
- media handling in Drupal 8.6.0
- Drupal 8's content moderation now allows choosing a starting state
- Druplicon in services icons for Apple's Shortcuts app for iOS 12
- changes for September 24 - October 7 sprint
- digital advertising update
- Podcast: upcoming changes to DrupalCons
Notes about browser changes:
- new mobile Chrome feature would disable JavaScript on slow connections
- variable fonts arrive in Firefox 62
- how Firefox's variable fonts support works
- what's new in Firefox 62
- Firefox 62 for developers
- Firefox Reality now available
- new in Chrome 69: building charts with conical gradients (link no longer available)
- what's new in DevTools for Chrome 70
- Chrome updates due to your feedback
- release notes for Safari Technology Preview 66
Notes about tools for working with colour:
- Color Leap - see the colours of history
- trendy palettes
- ColorBox by Lyft Design
- stepping between two colours
- blending mode playground
Notes about CSS:
- the complete CSS demo for OpenType features
- links list for print styles (link no longer available)
- the cascade and other essential unessentials
- case-insensitive CSS attribute selectors
- trashy.css, a CSS library to show document semantics
- fun with CSS hover effects
- URL-specific CSS
- customising radio buttons without compromising accessibility (no longer available)
And finally, notes about "everything else":
- the Web Design Museum
- form fields: "required" vs. "optional"
- visual regression testing with BackstopJS
- see what your website looks like when it is posted on social platforms
- Linux's Linus apologizes
- best practices for background videos
- big changes for the Creative Commons image search
- the state of fieldset interoperability
- Let's Encrypt stats
After all that, we still had time for a short video, so we closed this week's session by watching "How to COPE with External Entities" from Drupal Europe.
We hope you'll join us for the next Web Dev Rev on Friday, October 5, in EC2 1021 (Millennium) at 11:00am.