Friday, January 17, 2025
We started with Drupal-related notes:
- Drupal releases 10.4.0; 10.4.1; 11.1.0; 11.1.1
- Drupal CMS releases 1.0.0
- announcement for Drupal 11.1.0
- announcement for Drupal CMS 1.0
- new "clear cache" block added
- added a content_top section for programmatic additions
- cron is no longer run by the installer
- core can now generate JSON schemas
- phpstan-drupal for supports PHPStan 2.0
- Dries on his state of Drupal presentation (Driesnote) from DrupalCon Singapore
- accessibility always a focus in Drupal
- A new chapter in Dries's role at Acquia
- Views Data Export re-maintainership
- why content editors & marketers will love Drupal CMS
- why every Drupal developer needs to know about services and dependency injection
- understanding the difference between cache keys and tags
- introduction to design patterns in PHP and leveraging them in Drupal
- empowering open source for the future
- interview with "Women in Drupal" award winner Alla Petrovska
- Cookie and consent management in Drupal with Klaro (not Claro)
- CKEditor 5 self-service plans in Drupal
- a 2024 Drupal advent calendar
Next, we moved on to general web (and other) notes:
- FTC catches up to #accessiBe
- WordPress is in trouble
- testing accessibility with screen readers
- HTML is actually a programming language
- state of JavaScript 2024
- AI chatbox can't fix a bad website
- why text-box-trim should make designers excited
- how to make your RSS feed look pretty
- native HTML light and dark colour scheme switching
- :hover > :not(:hover) tricks
- balancing text in CSS
- lesser known uses of better known attributes
- relatively new things about HTML heading into 2025
- CSS wishist 2025 (Chris Coyier)
- CSS wishlist 2025 (CSS-Tricks)
- CSS wishlist 2025 (Eric Meyer)
- CSS-Tricks 2024 thank yous
- Tetris in a PDF
- Doom in a PDF (as ASCII art)
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch the "Driesnote" from DrupalCon Singapore.
Recommended video
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings generally happen once every 3 weeks; the next session is scheduled for February 7th.