Friday, March 22, 2024
We started with Drupal-related notes:
- Drupal 10.2.4 released
- Drupal 7.100 released (!)
- Drupal 11 now open for development
- Drupal 11 will be released either in July or December
- Docker4Drupal 6.0.11 released
- updating how Drupal contributors accept the Git terms of service
- vocabularies' "description" will no longer be able to be an empty string
- config schema change: bytes
- new AJAX command to open a URL in a dialog
- content type entities will be marked as syncing during migration
- YAML decoding will no longer use the YAML PECL extension when available
- video dimensions in FileVideoFormatter to be optional
- translations will be imported in a consistent order
- the Tour module is deprecated
- taxonomy terms will be able to be moderated
- core will suggest block content bundle and view mode twig suggestions
- new option to display the page title based on the current local tasks context
- core JavaScript development now requires Corepack and Yarn 4
- Drupal has made contributing to open source a marketing opportunity
- what's next for Drupal innovation
- a new initiative for improved user onboarding and role identification on
- contributor guide to maximizing impactful contributions
- promoting contribution from the user registration
- improving the Drupal theme starterkit and theme generation experience
- meet Imre, board member of the Drupal Association
- the new Storybook module for Drupal
- enhancing Drupal's Layout Builder with Layout Builder Plus
- how to integrate SSO with Drupal using SAML
- configuration splits and upgrade maintenance
- Aegir 3 and Drupal 10 "just about working"
- strategies to handle and manage automated bot traffic
- just say Drupal
- Drupal and CKEditor's history of advanced content editing
- making an informed choice of hooks vs. events
- custom Drush commands with Drush Generate
Next, we moved on to the handful of general web (and other) notes:
- new to the web platform in February
- Storybook 8 released
- Tumber and WordPress to sell users' data to train AI tools
- Apple backs off killing web apps
- fonts are still a Helvetica of a problem
- the environmental benefits of privacy-focused web design
- a web designer's accessibility advocacy toolkit
- explaining colour spaces
- creating colour palettes with the CSS color-mix() function
- some ways to use CSS :has() in the real world
- safe alignment in CSS
- CSS button styles you may not know
- solving a Safari font rendering problem
- border-color: transparent vs border-color:none
- modern CSS tooltips and speech bubbles
- scroll snapping article headers
- CSS :has() interactive guide
- on utility-first CSS
- proposal: CSS variable groups
- Chris Coyler on "the whole CSS-Tricks thing"
- how HEAD works in Git
- RegExGPT
- how to be a good listener
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "I tried blurring things in quirky ways" by Juxtopposed.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings generally happen once every 3 weeks; however, the next session is scheduled for April 5th.