Friday, May 26, 2023
We started with Drupal-related notes:
Drupal 9.5.9 released
- new Drupal core branching scheme introduced
- be ready for Drupal 11 in 2024
- clear caches button now separate from the performance form
- Twig debugging/caching settings added to admin user interface
- simplifying the frontend developer experience with the click of a button
- Drupal takes a step forward in accessibility with automated testing integration
- Drupal GAAD pledge 2023 update
- Drupal is now a Digital Public Good
- how Drupal improves accessibility
- DrupalCon survival guide
- Shark Tank meets Drupal
- dependency injection anti-patterns in Drupal
- building a newsletter system on Drupal with Mailchimp integration
- Drupal: the case of the ugly URLs
- adhering to Drupal coding standards with Git hooks
- 7 accessibility modules
- why open source contrib is good for business
- removing invalid query string parameters passed to a view
- how the Blueprints module is different from a Drupal distribution or recipe
- Pantheon defends hosting "hate groups" as "Pantheon Heroes" developers quit
Next, we went into a handful of general web notes:
- Chrome 113 beta
- Safari 16.4 release notes
- Firefox 113 boosts accessibility performance
- how to make your content more accessibile with plain language
- 6 CSS snippets "every front end developer" should know
- GRPR compliant analytics probably violate GDPR
- a worst-practice UI experiment
- test your content moderation skills
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "Regex: Demystifying the Hieroglyphics" from MidCamp 2023.
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings generally happen once every 3 weeks.