Friday, November 22, 2024
We started with Drupal-related notes:
- Drupal releases 11.0.9, 10.3.10, and 7.102
- Drupal 11.1 alpha phase begun; 11.1.0 expected December 12-13
- entity form and view displays now have a createCopy config action
- label entity reference field formatter now restricts links for inaccessible destinations
- content entities can now use a UUID as the entity ID
- several additional hook implementations now supported using #Hook
- most procedural hook implementations converted to a hook class
- new workspaces_ui module
- media author views filter now an autocomplete field
- alpha level experimental package manager module added
- callout for a new design system for Experience Builder and Drupal CMS
- Lenient Composer plugin officially replaces lenient packages endpoint
- looking at what's next for Drupal CMS
- nominate someone for the 2025 Aaron Winborn Award
- DrupalCon Barcelona 2024 event impact recap
- keeping up with Drupal's evolving plugin API
- Drupal plugin development: attributes vs annotations
- batch operations built into Drupal 11
- implementing pagination in Drupal
- importing data from CSV files into Drupal
- exposing external and custom data to Views with hook_views_data()
- installing Drupal CMS using DDEV
- avoiding reinventing the menu on a Drupal project
- Drupal modules named after food
- CERN leaving Drupal for WordPress
Next, we moved on to general web (and other) notes:
- PHPStan 2.0 released
- PHP 8.4.0 released
- Tailwind CSS 4.0 beta 1 released
- Web Almanac report on accessibility
- State of CSS 2024 report
- what belongs on your homepage
- don't forget to localize your icons
- alt text: don't just describe images
- writing great alt text: emotion matters
- Emotion Markup Language (EmotionML)
- how to prepare open source requests for proposals (RFPs)
- the often-forgotten art of exception and error handling
- how a BBC navigation bar component broke depending on which external monitor it was on
- a modern CSS reset
- making content-aware components
- a game for learning CSS anchor positioning
- tracking who's leaving WP Engine
- 8 professional tips for throwing a great PowerPoint party
- Pope announces web designer as first millennial saint
At the end of the meeting, we recommended people watch "Episode #475 - Workspaces" from the Talking Drupal podcast.
Recommended video
These "regular" Web Dev Rev meetings generally happen once every 3 weeks; the next session is scheduled for December 13th.