Multi-type calendar

Multi-type calendars allow for Blog posts, News items, and Events to be highlighted in a calendar on a content page.

Block setup

Elements to consider when building Multi-type calendar blocks:

Content types

The Multi-type calendar block can be configured to include any or all of the following content types:

  • Blog posts
  • Events
  • News items

Block appearance

The appearance of the Multi-type calendar can be customized in a few select ways. 

It can be configured to appear as a monthly calendar or a weekly calendar, a default start day can be chosen, and it can be configured to allow or prevent users from navigating the month/week.

The colours of the calendar are dependent on the site's colour theme.

Section layout

The width of the section will affect the width of the Multi-type calendar block.

Block examples

Weekly Multi-type calendar

Week 23 - June 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
  • A Multi-type calendar placed within an extra-wide contained width section
  • Set to show News items
  • Set to the weekly calendar type
  • Default date is June 3, 2024
  • Navigation is allowed

Monthly Multi-type calendar

June 2024
Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday
  • A Multi-type calendar placed within a wide contained width section
  • Set to show News items
  • Set to monthly calendar type
  • Default date is June 1, 2024
  • Navigation is not allowed