His connection to the University of Waterloo has remained strong throughout the years. Whiteside served as a vice-chair for arts in Campaign Waterloo. The Markham, Ontario resident has also served as director of the University of Waterloo Foundation and been a member of both the Board of Governors and the Senate.
While a student, Whiteside was president of the intramural athletic council of St. Paul's College and has become a generous donor to Waterloo athletic programs. He was inducted into the Alumni Hall of Fame in 1992. The Judson Whiteside Trophy recognizes students who show leadership in campus recreation.
Whiteside enjoys an extensive legal practice with a focus on direct sales law, sports law and information technology law.
On the academic front, Whiteside established the Whiteside Family Scholarship Award and played a senior role in the fundraising and development of the Centre for Business, Entrepreneurship and Technology (CBET) at the Accelerator Centre.
Whiteside has also managed to volunteer his time to organizations such as the Juvenile Diabetes Research Foundation, the YMCA, and the Canadian Cancer Society, and is an honorary director of the Canadian Professional Golfers' Association. He is currently the vice-chair of the Markham-Stouffville Hospital Foundation.

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