Hello there readers! Blogger-by-profession I am not, but when the opportunity arose to share why I (a proud Applied Health Sciences grad) attend Waterloo alumni events with the world (or at least Alumni Affairs’ Facebook followers), my fingers hit the keyboard. But before I get started, I thought you should know a bit about me first.
I graduated from health studies in 1980, worked for five years at Peel Regional Health Department as a Research Assistant and then went back to school for an MBA at York University. After graduating from York, my husband (Rob Holmes-- also a graduate of Applied Health Sciences) and I moved back to Waterloo, settled into careers and started a family. In fact, it was a very strange feeling the first time I drove my minivan down Westmount Road past Village II with two little boys in the back seat. Now one of those boys is studying chemical engineering at Waterloo and the other one’s girlfriend is a recent kinesiology grad.
I now work for Sun Life Financial in Global Talent Development, but I continue to have a strong interest in health-related topics. There is no question I have a soft spot for my Waterloo days—which is why I am a regular attendee at alumni events. I love getting invitations for alumni events by e-mail and try to jump on them when I’m in town. Whether it is volunteering to point people to places during the Reunion weekend, attending alumni theatre nights or sports events, I really enjoy getting involved. I feel privileged to live in Waterloo and be so close to all the Waterloo-action.
My most recent alumni event was the Blue Jays game in July. My next involvement will be at the AHS Fun Run happening in September. Last year, I participated and came in 3rd last (walking and occasional jogging) - this year, I am setting my sights higher. I intend to mostly jog with occasional walking and see how that affects my standing! Hope to see you around campus during Reunion weekend!