Undergraduate students receive the Silver Medal Award for Academic Excellence

Wednesday, April 13, 2022

The department of anthropology annually awards its Silver Medal for Academic Excellence in Anthropology prize to a 3rd or 4th year anthropology student. The award winner is chosen from among our most highly achieving students, taking into consideration the activities and contributions to departmental life made by the student. The intention is to honour an excellent, all-round promising anthropologist.

The students who have won this medal have focused on various subfields of anthropology, including physical anthropology, archaeology, sociocultural anthropology, and joint majors, as well as being enrolled in both the regular and co-operative programs.

Camila Font

Camila is a feminist scholar seeking to employ linguistic anthropology methods to think about discursive processes related to migration, coloniality, and gender. Through their work, Camila seeks to take an intergenerational, intersectional approach in working with communities in Costa Rica and Nicaragua. 

Hannah Mills 

As a 4th year anthropology major at UW, her goals throughout her undergraduate degree have been to explore and widely broaden her knowledge of the discipline across each sub-field, as well as grow personally and academically as a future anthropologist. This program has helped her reshape the way she sees the world and approach situations from an anthropological perspective- something that she thinks is incredibly important and invaluable. Hannah has taken a particular interest in biological anthropology, specifically forensics, and plan to pursue further education down the road. She is very grateful and honoured to have been recognized by the department for this award.

The Silver Medal has been awarded annually since 1985. See our historical list of recipients.