

Program of study

The MA program is comprised of coursework, plus research leading to the writing and defence of a thesis. Students are required to complete a total of four courses. Three of them are compulsory in order to ensure that all students acquire a solid grounding in anthropological research:

The fourth course is an elective, either a regular course or a reading course. Your Advisor will assist you with your choice of elective.

Term-by-term program of study

Term 1 (fall)

Enrol in ANTH 600 and ANTH 608.  Consult with Supervisor about possible thesis topics.

Term 2 (winter)

Enrol in ANTH 614 and one elective.  Get approval of thesis topic from committee.  Get approval (if appropriate) from university Ethics Committee for research.  Complete literature review and formulate research plan for thesis.

Term 3 (spring/summer)

Enrol as full-time student and work on research with the goal of finishing in the Fall term.  Begin to draft thesis.

Term 4 (fall)

Complete thesis, present at Graduate Forum, and defend thesis.