Current Student Resources

Graduate Studies calendar information

The Graduate Studies Academic Calendar provides definitive graduate program overviews, policies, admission and degree requirements. The calendar is maintained by the Graduate Studies Office (GSPA).

For information about our program, visit the Public Issues Anthropology MA program section of the Calendar. The site includes a full list of our course descriptions. The Graduate Schedule of Classes lists our course offerings for the term.

Program procedures and guidelines

This information is provided as guidance for students progressing toward the MA in Public Issues Anthropology (ANTH).  Following the guidelines will help to ensure successful and timely degree completion.

Graduate student progress report forms

  1. MA student progress form (PDF) - to be filled out by the student
  2. MA supervisor evaluation form (PDF) - to be filled out by the supervisor

Students may download the fillable PDF form; fill it out online, print it, and then obtain the required signatures.

Graduate teaching assistant agreement form

TA contract (PDF) - to be filled out by the instructor and TA

The instructor(s) of the assigned course(s) will complete this fillable PDF form in consultation with the student teaching assistant. They should then print it and obtain the required signatures.