Forms for graduate students

Person typing on computer

Before you get started

The Graduate Studies forms web page is maintained by The Centre on behalf of Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. If you have technical difficulties with the forms (e.g., submission trouble or error messages) contact the Communications team. For all other questions about graduate form submissions, contact The Centre.

Forms for faculty/staff can be found on the GSPA Sharepoint site.

If you are an undergraduate student, visit the Undergraduate forms web page.


  1. Details on how to submit and pay any associated fees are included on the form's web page.
  2. Some forms are online web forms while others are fill-in PDF forms. The fill-in feature of a PDF form displays in Google Chrome. If using Firefox, open the form in Adobe Reader to access the fill-in feature. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader free.
Graduation cap

Thesis and Convocation