Ontario Graduate Scholarship (OGS)/Queen Elizabeth II Graduate Scholarship in Science & Technology (QEII-GSST) - Request for Deferment or Interruption

OGS/QEII-GSST award recipients should use this form to:

  • Request to defer or interrupt a new and/or active OGS or QEII-GSST.

This form should be submitted at least one month prior to the requested leave (where possible).

For complete details about OGS/QEII-GSST deferral/interruption allowances, please review our OGS/QEII-GSST Award Holder’s Guide

If you need to request any changes after submitting this form, please email gsoaward@uwaterloo.ca (do not resubmit or edit original submission).

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Personal information
(8 digits)
Please use UWaterloo email address (if applicable). Otherwise, personal email addresses are acceptable.
(e.g. History or School of Pharmacy)
Deferral/Interruption information
Award type
Reason for request
One file only.
100 MB limit.
Allowed types: pdf, doc, docx, .
If selecting this option, a written statement must be uploaded identifying the reasons for the deferral/interruption and how it relates to the current COVID-19 situation. 
Duration of deferral/interruption

An OGS/QEII-GSST cannot be deferred/interrupted beyond a total of four terms; students must also adhere to Waterloo’s Leaves of Absence regulations regarding the allowable maximum duration of their leave depending on the reason.

Type of request
I wish to start my award
I wish to start the interruption
I wish to resume the award
Declaration and consent
All boxes must be checked to proceed