Forms and official documents

Student walking across overpass at Burt Matthews Hall

Forms for undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Waterloo are managed by The Centre. If you have questions about the forms, contact The Centre.

Online webforms

Online webforms can be completed on the screen. Enter your information directly into the field boxes. Some fields are required fields and must be completed. Once you have finished entering your information, click on the Submit button at the end of the form. This action sends your form to the form administrator. You will receive a confirmation on the screen that your form was successfully submitted. You may also receive a confirmation email that includes the information you entered in the form.

Fill-in PDF forms

Fill-in PDF forms can be completed on the screen or can be printed and completed by hand.

The fill-in feature of a PDF form displays in Google Chrome. If using Firefox, to access the fill-in feature, open the form in Adobe Reader. You can download Adobe Acrobat Reader free.

Enter your information directly into the field boxes. Once you have finished filling in the form, print it, and sign it. Also, if applicable, obtain the appropriate approval signatures needed See the section below, for information on how to submit your completed form.

Are you having difficulty opening a PDF form?

If you are unable to open a fill-in PDF form, please work through the following steps:

  • delete cookies and clear your cache
  • navigate to the pdf form from the forms page for undergraduate students or graduate students
  • move the slider bar located at the right to the top
  • download the latest version of Adobe Acrobat Reader
  • have only one version of Adobe installed on your computer as multiple versions can cause problems
  • allow pop-ups from all University of Waterloo websites
  • close your browser; open a new instance; open the form
  • shut down your computer; start your computer; open the form
  • your computer may have a firewall set that prevents opening the form; open the form using another computer

How to complete a fill-in PDF form

  • open the form; click your cursor in the first field to make it active
  • press the tab key to move to the next field
  • to use a check box; position your cursor over the box; when the marker changes to a pointer then click the left mouse button to select
  • to go back one field; hold the shift key and click tab, or put the cursor in the desired field location
  • once you have completed filling in your pdf form; print the form
  • to delete your information from the fields in the form; click on the Reset or Clear Form button that is on the form

How to submit your completed PDF form

Once you have completed your form, print it, sign it, and submit it to the appropriate person as identified on the top of each PDF form.

Submit your form using regular mail, or deliver the form to us in person. Do not send the completed form by email attachment as the form attachment will drop your filled-in details.


University of Waterloo
The Centre, Needles Hall
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, ON
Canada N2L 3G1

In Person

The Centre
Needles Hall (NH), first floor