Request to Restrict Circulation of Thesis (PDF)
Use this form to:
- Request an extension to a current thesis restriction (embargo) period
The University of Waterloo will not normally allow restrictions in excess of two years on the circulation of a thesis. Extensions must be requested by submitting this completed form to Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs, at least two months before the date of release. Requests will be reviewed by the Associate Vice-President, Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. If your extension request is not approved, you will receive an email from Graduate Studies and Postdoctoral Affairs. If no further extension is requested or approved, the thesis will be released to the University of Waterloo Library and for microfilming, as appropriate.
For initial restriction requests of four months, one year, or two years, you do not need to submit this form. Please contact your department, and select the appropriate option when submitting your thesis to UWSpace.